now would you look at this, will ya? Analog Source Component 2024 Bam! What have I been telling you? The Haven don't play!
I've had a WTL table since 1987, and will always have one here. Yes, the newest models, the 254 below, and the original Amadeus, now in Jr form, are the cream of Bill Firebaugh's designs. And not to crow too much, but the 254 was first heard here in the US. I couldn't be happier, especially with several new tweaks that US distributor Mike Pranka has developed. Come have a listen, bring some of your favorite lps, and prepare to be dazzled. $8750 for a top source isn't too bad, considering all the overpriced boring tables flooding the market.
I've had a WTL table since 1987, and will always have one here. Yes, the newest models, the 254 below, and the original Amadeus, now in Jr form, are the cream of Bill Firebaugh's designs. And not to crow too much, but the 254 was first heard here in the US. I couldn't be happier, especially with several new tweaks that US distributor Mike Pranka has developed. Come have a listen, bring some of your favorite lps, and prepare to be dazzled. $8750 for a top source isn't too bad, considering all the overpriced boring tables flooding the market.
Welcome to one of the hottest pieces in all of audio right now, the Grimm MU2 is here. I immediately loved it, then it went thru a bleh stage, then better better better great! Some of it probably had to do with my internet here; I went from the regular
T Mobile black box to their newer black box, whatever it's called it apparently is faster, much faster, as my speed tests show. I'm almost like a regular streamer person now. Almost. Anyway, whether it's the improved speed, finally running in, a blessing from my fairy godfather, or Gertie putting her sweet nose on it and making it sound pretty pretty close to vinyl, I am loving it, truly the best digital I have had here, and the best I have yet to hear. Much better than that hugely expensive four box deal I've heard on several occasions at shows or customers, dry as an old dog bone out in the yard. This MU2 has real meat on it, and with a few tweaks from Stack Audio, has even begun to bring out the goosebumps. I've gotten a lot of meh's from some about the price ($17,500), yet when you figure a good dac, generally $5k-10k, with an equally priced paired streamer, and fancy cables that some of you buy, you're already close or way over the $17,500. And in this adorable smallish, light weighing box ( a god send with the bad knees or back ) with an equally impressive IQ , what's not to love. It does have a mighty fine preamp (analog input ) in as well, so you can now use it direct into an amp and get my full ringing endorsement, not like when some of you tried to do that with way inferior digital and I kept saying no no no. Come have a listen and see what you think. This might be an end game for some of you.
T Mobile black box to their newer black box, whatever it's called it apparently is faster, much faster, as my speed tests show. I'm almost like a regular streamer person now. Almost. Anyway, whether it's the improved speed, finally running in, a blessing from my fairy godfather, or Gertie putting her sweet nose on it and making it sound pretty pretty close to vinyl, I am loving it, truly the best digital I have had here, and the best I have yet to hear. Much better than that hugely expensive four box deal I've heard on several occasions at shows or customers, dry as an old dog bone out in the yard. This MU2 has real meat on it, and with a few tweaks from Stack Audio, has even begun to bring out the goosebumps. I've gotten a lot of meh's from some about the price ($17,500), yet when you figure a good dac, generally $5k-10k, with an equally priced paired streamer, and fancy cables that some of you buy, you're already close or way over the $17,500. And in this adorable smallish, light weighing box ( a god send with the bad knees or back ) with an equally impressive IQ , what's not to love. It does have a mighty fine preamp (analog input ) in as well, so you can now use it direct into an amp and get my full ringing endorsement, not like when some of you tried to do that with way inferior digital and I kept saying no no no. Come have a listen and see what you think. This might be an end game for some of you.
![]() Heed, of Hungary, has made its way here to the Haven. I cannot believe how musical these pieces are. So far there's the Elixir 50w integrated $1750, the Quasar phono stage, $1400, the big PX power supply $1600 (for the Quasar and other devices like the Questar $500, also here).
I've not been this excited since the original Naim Qute arrived. Like the best box of these new Xmas chocolates from places you've never heard of until you stick it in your mouth and you go WTH or F depending on how much port you've had. You'll be hearing much more about these and their soon coming bigger relatives. Stay tuned.
a bit of Axpona show coverage from that nice fella Ken Micallef of Stereophile
![]() ![]() this is one of the two new Hyperion record reissues I cannot stop playing. It is sooo good. I've read on the Hyperion site the response has been tremendous, so not sure if they'll be repressing or not. Certainly they are pleased, so maybe more titles will come. The Feather On the Breadth of God, very famous recording back when with that gorgeous British waif, Emma Kirby, is also out. That was a monster seller on CD. I don't have the reissue yet, my original lp may suffice, or I may take the plunge. This Bach and the Shostakovich that I bought have knocked all the new Tone Poets out of rotation. Don't wait if you're interested.

Welcome aboard, the Origin Live line of turntables and tonearms.
My first demo in is a beaut, the Resolution table, with the Enterprise 9.5" tonearm. From the get-go it's been a great, exciting, can't quit playing records, why did I not have one sooner type of turntable. I only knew Origin Live thru their replacement arms for Rega tables. This combo is just another level entirely. I am thrilled to be a dealer for this line, please come have a listen. The Resolution is 4th in the lineup. I will be getting a combo more affordable than this, and knowing me, eventually going above this. You'll be hearing me crow quite a bit about this. Between this and the newly tweaked WTL Amadeus 254 (roughly the same price range) I won't know what to do with myself. I know, BUY MORE RECORDS! Highly recommended. Or as the great T of my listening panel always claims, "tell em to bring their diaper". Thanks, T.

Amadeus 254- absolutely enthralling...2023 needs to be the year of "the end of boring turntables"....there are way too many out there that need to go.
AND, now that it's almost 2025, and the 254 received Analog Source of 2024 by Stereophile, what are you waiting for? Ditch the nostalgia of those Technics and Garrard rebuilds, (which I admire but NOT as your main source), and get a really swinging turntable. Chop Chop!