Look at Audiogon, user listing chashas1 for other hot deals....trade ins, friends's pieces that I'm selling for them, old things found in the back of closets... hey, most of you have way more junk sitting around than I do, get busy selling! Somebody could use it. Don't croak off and leave it up to your family to deal with. Let's find all that old gear a good home.

trade in from a regular customer- an original Amadeus, new motor and arm installed by the master of WTL. In excellent working and sounding order- $1800.
There has been an ongoing trade in program with Well Tempered Lab, any Amadeus taken in trade for an Amadeus 254, receive up to $1800 in credit. It's been going quite well.
demo Sugden MasterClass PA-4 Phono Reg. price $3450 Demo pricing $2500
Kirmuss Audio 12' speaker cable, bananas Reg. price $850 Demo pricing $450 like new
the Funk Gett2 demo, Reg. Price $1195 Demo pricing $495