Hobbyists that seem to be searching out something above and beyond the more standard, the more commercial fare that's out there. And after going to a hifi show or looking online or searching magazines, there's gear out there in spades, trust me. I think it very hard for a customer to know where to turn these days for advice, for knowledge. I would say that most people actually have very good hearing, and generally know what music should sound like. It's just that they don't trust themselves, or are easily steered from what's musically true by many so-called experts both in stores, magazines, and forums- especially forums. People with either horrific tastes or just plain ignorant of what a musical system should sound like. I've been entrenched in it since early childhood, and have been fortunate to have some real masters come along at different points in my life to listen with, to guide me. If someone comes here and doesn't get what I'm doing, that's fine, actually. Try and connect with someone you think is more to your liking. And if they're clued in, then you found what works for you. Yet if they're clueless, well, as I often say, you can learn from those that can't. Hopefully over time you'll be able to have the confidence to decide for yourself. My best advice is to seek those to listen with who know what music is, not just as sounds, like a snare in that corner or a bassoon dead left of the right speaker. That is not what my part of the hobby is about, or my business. A system should sing, make you sing, make you dance, make you laugh and cry. If yours doesn't do that give me a try, at least for a laugh or two. It's fun here. Anyway, most of you have really gotten the focus of this new shop, and I very much appreciate it. Very much.
Here's a listening friend of a customer who came down from Decatur the other day....my listening friend said it was okay since she usually vacates when customers come- mine likes to listen and lick...