And believe it or not, after all my semi-ranting about digital being perhaps only a secondary source, yours truly has seen the light and realized there are some fun and quite appealing products out at present. I intend on getting signed on with one particular genius outfit if they'll have me, so stay tuned. You'll probably laugh when I tell you how much I listen to Bluetooth here at home. Getting those Arcam rBlink mini Bluetooth RF audio receiver/DACs has opened up a whole new world of hands off, easy, hit a button, listening to a wide variety of great music. So it's time to bring in a really good DAC and streamer to take it up a big notch, and to offer you more than just great turntables and standard Redbook CD players. Besides, you know the mantra around the Haven, source first! Although still feeling that everyone should own a turntable, I can understand those of you with zero records who don't intend on jumping on the vinyl revival and need a great digital source. Well, the reformed Haven can now, or soon shortly, be up to reference level digital standards. Obviously I can't be all things to all people, yet I started logging hours as to how much digital music I listened to on a weekly basis, and it was substantial, either thru redbook cd or bluetooth. So nay sayer no more.
However, when you hear this new cartridge that's here for a test spin you'll swoon with emotion- well, I did, and the esteemed listening panel did as well. So who knows? Maybe as I'm getting on the new and improved digital bandwagon you'll be buying your first record and a new turntable/cartridge? Life is short, my friends, life is short. What are you waiting for?