Top of the heap are the JMREYNAUD speakers, from France. Love them, adore them, I could do cartwheels over them if I could indeed cartwheel. So instead I'll raise my bowl of Ben & Jerry's and salute. Also there is a new dac, the WEISS 501. One of those half sized chassis jobs, from Switzerland, it is what I have been waiting for in a dac. Easy to use, absolutely excellent build, lots of highly technical engineered features for those of you who like to play with your gear- I am solely in the listening camp here, yet you fiddle about all you want. It's the first piece of digital gear I cannot wait to listen to each day. I do still sell the Chord dacs, which are also very very good, and some might prefer, like Callas over Tebaldi (yes, I've been listening to lots of opera during covid), the precision of the Chord dacs. As I keep saying, sometimes it's a matter of taste, or systems.
And then there is a new cable line....cable line, you say?? What! more bloody cables!! and I say, why yes, there is this marvelous Scottish cable line, ATLAS, which after first hearing my samples this fall I told my lil group, guess what, I'm signing up with another cable company. Of course there was the expected laughs and boos and name calling, at me, not the cable line I've signed up with. I get my first batch very soon. And yes, I'm excited. They do have several levels, and at present I'm going with the Mavros. The speaker cable will be the first on the floor. All I can say is I found it extremely musical, extremely easy on the ear. And they have this earthing system called Grun, so in my test sample I ran the speaker cable as is, and then after a good break in period I added the earthing cables. A quite dramatic drop in the noise floor, which I gather is what a good grounding system does. I was sold instantly. No voodoo or snake oil. There is a grounding system offered by PURITAN, another new product, from England. I have their 6 outlet power conditioner. Quite good. So then this grounding system has rods for outside that get pounded in-ground and get attached back to the power conditioner via a junction box. Can't wait to try that now that I heard what the Grun can do. That won't happen until the flowers are blooming again, however.
There's also a new entry from DYNAVECTOR, the low output version of the venerable 10X5, making it a, yes, you guessed it, moving coil low output version of the traditional high output 10X5. A bit redundant there but making sure everyone was paying attention. It is a super fun cartridge. Like all Dynavectors, it soars thru those grooves with ease- a great tracker. And not just a pretty cartridge like many in its price range. This one has the goods.
Soon there will be a new record cleaning machine here, the Nessie from Hannl.
And soon, another phono stage company, the Whest.
I've been working on one more, details later on that.
Stay tuned.....