I also use this time to change out room furnishings, see what fits, listen to what fits. Room decor can be a bigger deal than you might think. When I first opened the shop here at home I had imagined that certain systems would go on one wall or another. Some panned out, others didn't. Even with those that didn't, it gives one a good example of why a certain room situation can be bad for sound. That's why I'm glad to see some of you take my advice and try your system on a better wall, or rearrange furniture. Of course there might be a partner or family dynamic to consider, or any number of reasons why you have to have a system in a certain spot or can't do some of the things I do here. But that's okay, if the system's working together, you should still get good music making. Take your time, sometimes room changes can take weeks or months to fiddle and get just right.
Or you may be like me, and try someone's tweak suggestion, think it sooo good at first, then after a period of listening realize you're way off and move it all back where it was. I've done that with room tuning, tweak products, any number of things audio related. One must try to push the boundaries, I say! Well, sometimes the old staples and methods work best. So while I encourage experimentation, as they used to say in the 70's, do be careful.