Yet couple it with something like the DeVore 0'96's, and you've hit a home run. It controls the bass driver splendidly, it brings out the beauty of the mids that the 0/96's are so famous for, it captures the tone and texture of real performers. You can get off the merry go round that so many of us in the hobby twirl on for decades, swapping and switching, losing money by the constant trading to find that elusive match. Well here it is, Dorothy. That elusive system, it's here! Right in your own midwestern back yard.
There are a few things I'd like you to know about the 219 before my pompoms retire for the evening.
As I said, it's big, it's heavy. 125 pounds worth of heavy. It comes to you by freight. No smiling Charlie will come with his dolly and wield it in this time. I will come smile while we hook it up together. And I'll stay and smile watching you smile as it warms up and begins to sing. Especially if you have DeVore 0/96's already in place, or something equally suited. There are tons out there, just no Magnepans, and definitely no "#*@+%. In my own little corner, I've used it not exclusively but extensively with DeVores is all. If you're to put it on an amp stand, which I would hope you would, and never on carpet alone, make sure you have two people for the job, and put it where it will probably stay. I've got my demo on a Quadraspire Sunoko Vent, and use castors so I can push it around where needed. Otherwise I'd be stuck until my schlepper came to bail me out. Surprisingly, it doesn't put out much heat, no more than any other Line Magnetic here at the Haven. That photography reviewer, who some of you might have read online, goes on about the heat. Well, the goofball lives in Arizona. A headphone amp would be hot in the summer in Arizona. No worries here in the midwest, spring or summer.
So that's about it for this charmer. One of those "most delightful" pieces of audio gear ever made. And another thing, it certainly is hard to keep your eyes off of it. Depending on cabling used, it may sit here between the speakers, yet often it is off to the side on a long run of Auditorium A23- a Haven fav!- and I've watched people crane their necks routinely to ogle it. And who could blame them? Like all Line Magnetics, comes with an easily removable cage. I usually remove it for serious listening. And with an amp like this, is there any other kind?